
PlatiPy welcomes any and all contributions in the way of new tools/scripts, bug fixes or documentation. Below you will find information to help you get started.


Create a branch off of master while you make your changes or implement your new tool. Once complete, head to GitHub to create a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch (master). At this point the automated tests will run and maintainers will review your submission before merging.


platipy uses poetry to manage dependencies. Instructions for installing poetry are available here. Once installed, you can easily install the libraries required to develop for platipy using the following command:

poetry install --with dev --all-extras

This will automatically create a virtual environment managed by poetry. To run a script within this environment, use the poetry run followed by what to run. For example, to run a script:

poetry run python

Style Guide#

Python code should conform to PEP 8 Style Guide for Python. You may like to use *black* to ensure that your code conforms to PEP 8.


In the platipy directory you will find the key modules of the library. If you are developing a new tool/script, create a folder in platipy/experimental. We can then collaborate on your tool in there until we have determined the best place in platipy for your code to live.

Writing unit tests#

Automated unit tests are important for code bases to which various authors are contributing, to ensure that their changes don’t make any unintended breaking changes to other parts of the code.

PlatiPy uses pytest as the testing framework. See the official pytest documentation for an introduction to writing tests with pytest.

The automated tests will run when you submit your pull requests. If tests are failing, have a look to see what changes could have led to this. Before you code is integrated fully into PlatiPy, you should implement some automated tests of your own. If you’re unsure how to proceed with this, we can discuss this in your pull request.

Providing command line tools#

Command line interface (CLI) tools in Platipy use click. With click. You can find the existing CLI tools in platipy/cli. Feel free to add a CLI for the tool you are implementing. See the official click documentation for more information.