Command Line Tools#
This tool makes it easier to bulk-convert DICOM files into other formats (default NifTI). There are quite a lot of options, but most do not need to be changed.
You need to provide the input directory (-i), from which the crawler will recursively search through.
You might also like to change the naming format (using –image_format and –structure_format). The default is quite long, better suited for datasets with lots of imaging for a single patient.
Some examples:
[simple] –image_format {parent_sorting_data}
[compact] –image_format {parent_sorting_data}_{study_uid_index}
You can separate series using different values (–sort_by ). This would typically be PatientName, or PatientID, although any DICOM header tag is allowed.
I hope you find this tool useful!
If you have any feedback, let us know on
dicom_crawler [OPTIONS]
- -i, --input_dir <input_dir>#
Required Input DICOM directory. This should be at the same level as the parent field (default=PatientName).
- -o, --output_dir <output_dir>#
Output directory. A folder structure will be created at this location.
- Default:
- -b, --sort_by <sort_by>#
DICOM tag to sort at the highest level.
- Default:
- --image_format <image_format>#
Format for output images. There are three special options that can be used: parent_sorting_data (same as sort_by option), study_uid_index (a counter for distinct DICOM studies), image_desc (info from DICOM header, more nicely formatted). Additionally, any DICOM header tag can be used (e.g. Modality, SeriesNumber, AcquisitionData). Any DICOM header tag that doesn’t exist will return a 0.
- Default:
- --structure_format <structure_format>#
Format for output structures. Any of the options for images can be used, as well as: structure_name
- Default:
- --dose_format <dose_format>#
Format for output radiotherapy dose distributions.
- Default:
- --overwrite#
Overwrite files if they exist.
- Default:
- --file_suffix <file_suffix>#
Output file suffix. Defines the file type.
- Default:
- -s, --short_description#
Use less verbose descriptions for DICOM images.
- Default:
- -v, --verbose#
Print more information while running.
- Default:
Run an auto-segmentation on an input image. Choose which algorithm to run and pass the path to the Nitfti input image OR a directory containing a DICOM series.
Optionally, pass in a configuration file for the segmentation algorithm. Output the default configuration for an algorithm using the –default flag.
segmentation [OPTIONS] {cardiac|bronchus} [INPUT_PATH]
- -c, --config <config>#
Path to JSON file containing algorithm settings
- -d, --default#
Print the default configuration for the selected algorithm
- -o, --output <output>#
Path to directory for output
Required argument
Optional argument
Convert Nifti masks to Dicom RTStruct
nifti_to_rtstruct [OPTIONS]
- -d, --dcm_file <dcm_file>#
Required Reference DICOM file from which header tags will be copied
- -m, --mask <mask>#
Required Mask pairs with name,filename
- -o, --out_rt_filename <out_rt_filename>#
Required Name of RT struct output
Convert a Nifti image to a Dicom image series
nifti_to_series [OPTIONS]
- -d, --dcm <dcm>#
Required Reference DICOM folder containing series from which header tags will be copied
- -i, --image <image>#
Required Nifti Image file to convert to Dicom series
- -t, --tag <tag>#
Override Dicom Tags by providing key:value pairs
- -o, --output_directory <output_directory>#
Directory in which Dicom series files will be generated
- Default:
Convert a DICOM RTSTRUCT file to Nifti format.
rtstruct_to_nifti [OPTIONS]
- -i, --dcm_img <dcm_img>#
Required Directory containing the image series linked to the contour to convert
- -r, --dcm_rt_file <dcm_rt_file>#
Required Dicom RTStruct file containing the contours to convert
- -od, --output_dir <output_dir>#
Directory in which to place converted files
- Default:
- -oi, --output_img <output_img>#
Output name of converted image series
- --spacing <spacing>#
DICOM image spacing override with format x,y,z (0 indicates to leave as is, e.g. 0,0,3)