Contour Comparison#

This notebook demonstrates how to compute compute contour comparison metrics using PlatiPy.

Import Modules#

    import platipy
    !pip install platipy
    import platipy

from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import SimpleITK as sitk

%matplotlib inline

from import download_and_extract_zip_file
from platipy.imaging.label.comparison import (
from platipy.imaging.visualisation.comparison import contour_comparison
from platipy.imaging.utils.crop import label_to_roi

Download Test Data#

This will download some sample data which was generated using the TCIA LCTSC dataset. The data contains some manual contours as well as auto contours.

Note the contours in this dataset are for demonstration purposes only. No emphasis was placed on the quality of these contours.

data_path = Path("./data/contour_comparison_sample")

test_data_zip_url = ""

# Only download data if we haven't already downloaded the data previously
if len(list(data_path.glob("*/*.nii.gz"))) == 0:
    download_and_extract_zip_file(test_data_zip_url, data_path)

Load data#

Let’s read in the data that we’ve downloaded

ct_image = sitk.ReadImage(str(data_path.joinpath("image", "CT.nii.gz")))

structure_names =["ESOPHAGUS", "HEART", "LUNG_L", "LUNG_R", "SPINALCORD"]

manual_structures = {
    s: sitk.ReadImage(str(data_path.joinpath("manual", f"{s}.nii.gz"))) for s in structure_names

auto_structures = {
    s: sitk.ReadImage(str(data_path.joinpath("auto", f"{s}.nii.gz"))) for s in structure_names

Compute Metrics (for single structure)#

The following cells demonstrate computing some common metrics between the manual and auto heart contour.

heart_dsc = compute_metric_dsc(manual_structures["HEART"], auto_structures["HEART"])
print(f"Dice Similarity Coefficient for Heart is: {heart_dsc:.2f}")
Dice Similarity Coefficient for Heart is: 0.88
heart_hd = compute_metric_hd(manual_structures["HEART"], auto_structures["HEART"])
print(f"Hausdorff distance for Heart is: {heart_hd:.2f}mm")
Hausdorff distance for Heart is: 11.92mm
heart_masd = compute_metric_masd(manual_structures["HEART"], auto_structures["HEART"])
print(f"Mean Absolute Surface for Heart is: {heart_masd:.2f}mm")
Mean Absolute Surface for Heart is: 4.04mm
heart_surface_dsc = compute_surface_dsc(manual_structures["HEART"], auto_structures["HEART"])
print(f"Surface DSC for Heart with a tau of 3mm is: {heart_surface_dsc:.2f}") # 3mm is the default value for tau

heart_surface_dsc = compute_surface_dsc(manual_structures["HEART"], auto_structures["HEART"], tau=5)
print(f"Surface DSC for Heart with a tau of 5mm is: {heart_surface_dsc:.2f}")
Surface DSC for Heart with a tau of 3mm is: 0.52
Surface DSC for Heart with a tau of 5mm is: 0.72

Compute metrics (for multiple structures)#

This example loops over each structure and computes some volume metrics using the compute_volume_metrics helper function. These are tracked in a list and finally converted to a pandas DataFrame.

result =  []
for structure_name in manual_structures:

    volume_dict = compute_volume_metrics(manual_structures[structure_name], auto_structures[structure_name])

    structure_dict = {
        "structure": structure_name,


df_metrics = pd.DataFrame(result)
structure DSC volumeOverlap fractionOverlap truePositiveFraction trueNegativeFraction falsePositiveFraction falseNegativeFraction
0 ESOPHAGUS 0.430794 9.861946 0.274530 0.357610 0.999905 0.000095 0.642390
1 HEART 0.879741 626.272202 0.785301 0.824823 0.999561 0.000439 0.175177
2 LUNG_L 0.895018 953.364372 0.809984 0.939151 0.998134 0.001866 0.060849
3 LUNG_R 0.905581 1330.435753 0.827454 0.934013 0.997875 0.002125 0.065987
4 SPINALCORD 0.647406 33.305168 0.478640 0.614366 0.999825 0.000175 0.385634

Contour Comparison Function#

You can use the contour_comparison function to prepare a visualisation and return a pandas DataFrame of commonly used metrics.

fig, df_mas = contour_comparison(
    img = ct_image,
    contour_dict_a = manual_structures,
    contour_dict_b = auto_structures,
    contour_label_a = "MANUAL",
    contour_label_b = "AUTO",
    structure_for_com = "HEART",
    title='Segmentation Contour Comparison',

0 ESOPHAGUS 0.430794 2.916249 14.344129 27.577400 18.207550
0 HEART 0.879741 4.037049 11.917850 759.281158 664.484024
0 LUNG_L 0.895018 2.023395 18.000000 1015.133858 1115.246773
0 LUNG_R 0.905581 2.319356 20.295816 1424.428940 1513.873100
0 SPINALCORD 0.647406 1.932112 14.218965 54.210663 48.677444

Set limits for visualisation#

You can pass through a dictionary in img_vis_kw to send specific keyword arguments to the ImageVisualiser class. In this example we set the limits of the visualisation to the area of the left and right lungs combined.

(sag_size, cor_size, ax_size), (sag_0, cor_0, ax_0) = label_to_roi(
            manual_structures["LUNG_L"] | manual_structures["LUNG_R"], expansion_mm=40
limits = [ax_0,
          ax_0 + ax_size,
          cor_0 + cor_size,
          sag_0 + sag_size,

fig, df_mas = contour_comparison(
    img = ct_image,
    contour_dict_a = manual_structures,
    contour_dict_b = auto_structures,
    contour_label_a = "MANUAL",
    contour_label_b = "AUTO",
    structure_for_com = "ESOPHAGUS",
    title='Segmentation Contour Comparison',
    img_vis_kw={"limits": limits},

Contour Comparison Reference#

You can find a full list of all contour comparison functions in the PlatiPy documentation.

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